Monday, September 16, 2013

Piñera's Feeling Sorry For Himself

Sebastián Piñera gave an interview to the Spanish paper El País and he is clearly feeling very sorry for himself. He is not popular and therefore is trying to figure out any way to blame things other than himself. Here are the main ones:

1. Latin America has always been center-left and people respond to that. This is flat out crazy and does not even fit Chile.

2. Socialism is about handouts so people like left-leaning presidents more. Meanwhile, Piñera says he asks people to take responsibility and that makes him less popular. This could have come directly from the mouth of Mitt Romney and is a common refrain. There's no evidence to support it, and plenty of left or center-left presidents are unpopular. There are also popular conservative presidents (just look at Alvaro Uribe).

3. Michelle Bachelet was more popular than him because of her personality. The only problem with this argument is that her approval ratings were very low for a while before they rebounded. I don't think it is reasonable to argue that her personality changed during that time. In general, though, he is seriously miffed about her current high approval ratings.

Sorry, man, but you're just not that popular.

h/t Otto on Twitter

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